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Muslims' misunderstandings about real Christianity and Holy Book
It seems that many of you, our dear friends have understood about Christianity far away from truth and many do not know that they have these misunderstanding subconsciously, therefore, we are here to reveal the truth based on Holy Book (Torah, Plasm, Gospel). We hope that God will lead and guide us in this righteous intention for his glory. We kindly ask you to study then ponder the materials on the website open-mindedly and without any bias.
The first misunderstanding that many have is to see Christianity as a western religion and this western religion has nothing to do with other countries in East or Middle East and in addition, the countries in west such as European countries, USA, and Australia are Christian Countries.
- The first point is that the countries in west such as European countries, USA, Canada, and Australia are secular countries and religion and politics are separated from each other and these countries do not represent the true Christianity, even the Followers of Christ are being molested for their faith in society, How can we say that these countries are Christian countries that the real Christians are being molested for believing and following God?
- The second point is that we would like to bring up is that: Have you ever asked yourself about the origin of Christianity or the birthplace of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ miraculously was conceived in Mary’s womb by Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18) and this was prophesied by Isiah – a prophet of Almighty God, “A virgin will be pregnant and will bore a son and his name will be ‘Emanuel -meaning God with us’” and he was born in Bethlehem (one of the cities in Palestine, located in the south of Jerusalem). Therefore, the origin of Christianity cannot be west because Christ started his mission in current Palestine and Israel.
- The rapid spread of Christianity was due to the early followers’ understanding about Christ’s great mission to share the Gospel “The Good News” to all nations around the world. Christ disciples used the Roman Empire roads to reach to different site to carry out this great mission. According to History, When the number of Christ followers increased, the Roman Empire started persecuting to root out Christianity but in 3rd century in 313, Constantinople of Roman Empire declared the freedom of religion and the hostility was replaced by friendship. For more details, please refer to the books related to the Spread of Christianity. Based on historical books, the giant church buildings, hospitals and universities in different part of the world, we can see that Christianity is not limited to the western countries, but Jesus Christ is for all.
The second misunderstanding is that Christian worship and believe in three Gods. This claim and thought is completely wrong. In order to clarify this concept, we want to refer to different versus in Holy Bible